"Goin' Back" Our favorites from our favorite West Virginia legends... give a
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Reed Island Rounders |
Old Time Tunes and Songs of West Virginia |
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Home Bios Record Reviews "Wild Goose Chase" "Hand Me Downs" "Wolves in the Wood" "Side by Side" Burning Wolf |
The Tunes: |
1. Shakin’
Down the Acorns |
13. The Rainy Day / |
The Reed Island Rounders are known for their love of variety. From foot-stomping dance tunes to romantic waltzes, or a chilling ballad and beyond to the dark and lonesome mountain tunes of a solo fiddle, or a duet with the banjo, they evoke the soul of Appalachian life.
This collection of tunes is meant to honor the musicians, past and
present, who have shared so much of their own life experience and
talent. These are primarily tunes of West Virginia, a place Betty called
home for several years (it still claims a chunk of her heart), and where
Diane has spent much time as well. The three combine their mutual love
of the music, and have blended the voices of the banjo and fiddle,
Billy’s solid guitar backup, and Diane’s straightforward singing. Go back with the Rounders to a misty cabin porch at sundown, and the magic of spring peepers.... |
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Home Bios Record Reviews "Wild Goose Chase" "Hand Me Downs" "Wolves in the Wood" "Side by Side" Burning Wolf EmailUs! |
© Reed Island Rounders, 2016