Virginia Christmas Tree Growers Association Grand Champion!
Reed Island Farm three-time Tree Champ!!
1998, 2003, 2005
Each August the VCTGA has its annual meeting for the tree growers Virginia. A major part of the convention is the tree and wreath contest. Not all the farms enter, but those that do bring a selection of trees grown on their farm, or wreaths made by them.
The trees are judged within their species,
and the wreaths in categories of decorated or undecorated. Most years Billy enters an eight foot Fraser Fir or Blue Spruce, and occasionally Betty makes a wreath, using Fraser, Blue Spruce, Hemlock, or other fresh greens.
The highlight of the convention is when the judges have made their decisions, and everyone returns to the display to see who won the Champion prize for the best tree of all!
The Champ not only recieves the honor of being the best in the state, but also the priveledge to place a tree from their farm in the Virginia Governor's Mansion for that year's Christmas Holiday.
In addition, the winning farmer qualifies to enter a tree in the following year's National Christmas Tree Contest - the winner of which will then place a tree in the White House!
Reed Island Farm has won the Virginia Champion Tree award three times, in 1998, 2003, & 2005. So we have delivered a 12-foot tree to our Governor in Richmond each of those years. This of course gives us bragging rights, but also has earned our trees the designations of the Virginia's Finest and Virginia Grown state programs as the highest quality products.

2005 ~ Reed Island Farm wins with a Fraser Fir
We took a 12-foot tall Fraser to Governor Mark Warner's Mansion for the second time. First Lady Lisa Collis greeted us and graciously accepted our tree, and the wreaths presented by the VCTGA.
2003 ~ Reed Island Farms wins for the second time with a Fraser Fir.
And Thanksgiving Week took a tall Fraser to Gov. Warner and his family (and dogs).
1998 ~ Was the first year our tree won the VCTGA Championship!
We entered a lovely silvery Colorado Blue Spruce in the contest, and were very surprised and proud when it received the champion ribbon!
That Thanksgiving we presented a 12-foot Blue Spruce to Governor Gilmore, at the historic Governor's Mansion in Richmond, VA.
It's a long trip (4 hour drive) for us from our mountain end of the state. But it is an honor we enjoy.
Capitol Holiday Tree Program, 2005
The state of Virginia was chosen in 2005 to select the 85-ft tall outdoor tree for the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
As part of this program state tree farmers were asked to donate trees for the various departments and public areas on Capitol Hill and the White House.
We donated a lovely 8-foot Fraser Fir, and attached a note to request a reply to let us know where it was to be displayed.
Ours was hand picked by the Secretary of Agriculture to be in their office. They generously sent us this photo of our tree in its final glory.